This writing was triggered by my latest story about how I had to keep my bread package from the store to my house..Actually it is not happen once or twice that I have to keep in my pocket the garbage. It is actually not bothering me but my concern is "is there any garbage bin in this metropolitan city?"
I went to one of the mall in the central of Jakarta after office hour. I planed to recharge my internet unit to reactivate it. When I passed through one of the corridor, I smelled the bread and decided to buy one. Since I was so starving, I scoffed it and finished it directly. There was one left, the package. I walked out from the mall with pocketed the garbage. I step to Semanggi area from busway shelter until the area around BRI building (near Benhil) to stop the bus accompanied by the garbage. Still with the bread package, I took a "metromini" to go to Thamrin area near Bank Indonesia to transit and take another bus. Waiting the bus around in that area, I put my hand into my pocket and the garbage was still. I thought that I preferred to be friended to Priok area. Then, I took a bus about 40 minutes and later on I went down from the bus. No garbage bin at all..Ok, then I decided to go home and put that it to house's bin..Crap, isnt it???
What I want to say here is, we have huge problem a garbage. We produce garbage everyday and garbage is a problem that we can see. I mean it is real and everybody can see it everyday. Can our respected government see it? Based on actual data in 2011, the total garbage is produced in Jakarta is about 6200 ton per a day. And what our Jakarta governor said
"Sampah di DKI ini luar biasa besarnya dan kita memerlukan tenaga dan dana khusus untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Tapi, akan lebih mudah kalau masyarakat membantu meringankan beban ini, dengan tidak buang sampah sembarangan, kata Fauzi Bowo yang dikutip “VOA”.
Alright the government need us to support. Another question comes up, are they support us as well?
Are they provide simply the bin?