Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Say What You Want to Say (A Final Match)

There was something interesting during the final match..I did watch the match but not fully concentrate with it. Thought I know it won't work..Sorry..just try to be realistic...
Anyway..back to the line. I was suddenly tempted to open my facebook account. What I found is a match status about. And I couldn't stop smile to each status updated. I quote some of them
Keep Praying...

"alhamdulillah...gol ke 2 ya Allah...semoga ada perpanjangan waktu ya Allah...beri kami mukjizat ya Allah..berilah kami kemenangan...berilah kemudahan pada tanah air beta ya Allah...berilah ya Allah..."

"al-fatiha....99 x..."

"ya Allah di 26 menit terakhir...berilah keajaiban ya Allah...bantu kami,bantu tanah air kami,berilah kami peluang kemenangan ya Allah...mudahkan kami..."

"al-fatiha.."lahaula wala quwwata illabila" segala kekuatan hanya dr Allah,semoga indonesia menang..."

"Ya Allah berikan kemenangan kepada Timnas Indonesia malam ini, biarkan Timnas memberikan kado terindah akhir tahun untuk rakyat Indonesia"

"long prayer for TIMNAS, go go !! main yg enjoy dan relax ya, kalah menang ga masalah yg penting bersatu"

"Ya Allah..Menangkanlah timnas Garuda pada pertandingan besok, tidak ada lagi yang dapat kami banggakan dari negeri ini, semua penuh kemunafikan dan kebobrokan, hanya timnas yang jadi kebanggaan kami sekarang, laksana mutiara diantara lumpur yang ternoda!!"

Keep Singing...

"indonesia tanah air beta..pusaka abadi nan jaya..indonesia sejak dulu kala slalu di puja2 bangsa.semangat tanah airku...!"

Keep Criticizing... 

"EVALUASI KINERJA Menyeluruh...TIMNAS!!! Walaupun gw Tetep BANGGA bisa Ke FINAL!!!

Keeper Malaysia harus di ganti...!!"

Keep Updating..

"Hampir aja"

"kebobolan lg :(("

"He is missing the shouldn't be happen"


In The End...

‎"2-1, Honourable defeat, at least kami gentle, gak curang kaya kalian, Malingsia!!!"

"Well done guys..two tumbs up 4 u...U r still the winner...SALUT"

"walaupun sedih. Aku bangga. INDONESIA!!!"

"Kemenangan sejati adalah menerima kekalahan dengan tegak hati(legowo), hari esok msh panjang, setidaknya pihak2 yg ingin dompleng populer akan gigit jari!! Timnas kami bangsa Indonesia tetap mencintaimu!!"

"indonesia sudah bermain baik dan maksimal, strategy sudah baik pemain gesit sekali namun masih kurang keberuntungan, mudah2an di babak 2 semua gol akan hadir..."


Finally, I believe, The match affects a lot for the proudness to be Indonesian and the support is super..

Well done..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Siang...Tidur...Bis..(gambaran pekerja anak)

I captured this picture when I went to Kalimalang area on Sunday afternoon. It was about 2 o'clock. I took a 43 (a bus). The bus was not full yet but 2 kids suddenly entered it and just sat on the chair. From their appearance, you may knew that they are 'pengament' (street artist). They are about 5 to 7 years old. Well, perhaps it isn't new here in Jakarta, but for me the interesting one is, one of a kid sat in front of me and suddenly he was slept. Okay, when you think that it is still common, for me, it's an extraordinary.
All of a sudden my memories brought me back to about 15 or 20 years ago (Gosh I'm that old!!)..Did you remember when your mom always asked you to sleep after went back from school? I did. And I remembered I always rejected it with some reasons like I couldn't sleep or had to play with some friends (not good huh). Back to my story, when I saw that that kid was slept, a question came to my mind. Was he too tired? Did his mom ask him to sleep?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are you happy?

I found the interesting article in Weekender last year edition. Dont ask me why last year. It is not my magazine. It is my office's. Well since it considers as a garbage, I collect it as a knowledge. It's interesting to have something free but worthy, isnt it? *found new motto..

For me, it's a bit hard to define that word. It's beyond everything. Happiness is not about a routine and it's a new thing. A routine is an activity that you always do in daily: working, playing, school, learning, everything that you feel bored easily. And the exciting thing is when you cross the border. You just moved for a while and feel the differences. That's happiness. My friend told me once about the idea to do the crazy thing that never came up to my mind once. He asked me to do not pay for lunch. Well, we never do it before and wish never do that in the future. But he always ask me to do that. "It's just testing our adrenaline", he said. But, I refused and it's a joke. It's probably one thing that is beyond our mind. And If I or have a brave heart to do it, it will be posted in this blog for sure. hehhehe...

Oya..Like i said before, I will quote one of the scientist perspective from the interesting article. Enjoy it!

Social psychologist Daniel Gilbert, who has spent the past few years studying the traits of human happiness, is of the belief that people in general have “inaccurate, flawed ideas” of what happiness is. Known to most of his Harvard students as Professor Happiness, Gilbert is the author of The New York Times’ best-seller, Stumbling on Happiness, in which he discusses at length the methods we apply in a bid to attain happiness. 

“The problem is in expectation,” says Gilbert, as quoted by the Times. “What we’ve been seeing in my lab, over and over again, is that people have an inability to predict what will make [them] happy — or unhappy … If you can’t tell which futures are better than others, it’s hard to find happiness.” 

More than that, the problem also lies in the way we perceive happiness. When we hear someone utter the words “I want to be happy” or “I deserve to be happy”, we immediately nod our heads in an agreement as though we knew exactly what was being said. However, the phrase “I want to be happy” suggests that happiness can be attained at will, or as if it were a place we could arrive in and leave behind whenever we pleased. 

“Few of us can accurately gauge how we will feel tomorrow or next week,” says Gilbert. “That’s why when you go to the supermarket on an empty stomach, you’ll buy too much; and if you shop after a big meal, you’ll buy too little.” 

And why the grass always seems to be greener on the other side. 

When our neighbors have a bigger house, fancier car, better job than we do, we readily assume they are happier than we are — at least, until we manage to get our hands on the biggest house, fanciest car and best job anyone can ever have; then the roles are reversed. 

Quoted from

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

*Starting Point*

Wah akhirnya tercapai juga bikin Blog..
Berawal dari banyaknya teman-teman yang rajin 'nyetor' tulisan secara reguler ke blognya, saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuatnya. Dulu paling males yang namanya bikin blog. Alesannya ada aja lah. Ya ga suka nulis lah, nulis tuh harus yang teratur lah (academic writng gitu), ga ada waktu untuk nulis lah sampe klo bisa blog g berbahasa inggris..klasik dan agak muluk-muluk sih, tapi akhirnya kalo dipikirin ya ga dibikin2 tuh blog.

Blog ini nanti isinya bakalan banyak soal unek-unek tapi mudah2an sih jatohnya ga ke curhat yang ga meaning aja. Trus juga mungkin akan banyak soal bulutangkis and politik2 internasional. Soalnya hal2 itulah yang selama ini menjadi perhatian khusus g. Hmm..g juga akan berusaha untuk menulisnya dalam bahasa inggris, paling gak ada lah dikit2 academic writingnya, secara pernah belajar. Sayang juga klo ga ke pake. Lumayan salah satu latihan untuk memperbaiki writing.

Mudah2an siy nantinya blog ini akan berguna bagi g sendiri dan nantinya bagi pembaca. Dan mudah2an g bisa menyempatkan sedikit waktu untuk memperhatikan blog ini regularly..


Catatan Praka
by Prasetyo Kadarisman